Friday, April 6, 2012

The Facts on Stem Cell Technology for Anti-Aging and Skin Care

If there’s one thing society is obsessed about, it’s staying young and living an active, youthful lifestyle. As a result, millions of men and women pour just as many dollars into preventing a mature look or slowing it down, especially on their skin. The cosmetic industry is listening, and skin care companies worldwide are looking to develop the perfect product to significantly reduce the appearance of aging skin.

Aging consumers have tried everything from antioxidants, retinol, alpha hydroxyl acids, and vitamins to either prevent or slow the appearance of hyperpigmentation, sun spots, wrinkles, and sagging, loose skin. However, one anti-aging innovation that’s not always discussed is human stem cell technology.

Stem cell technology, in simple terms, involve using healthy human skin cells and implementing them on aging or damaged skin through creams, serums, or lotions to replenish and revive its natural repair system, and in turn revealing a more youthful looking tone. There is another subsection of the term called stem cell growth factor technology. Stem cell technology in skin care either involves a healthy adult donor’s tissues, or the stem cells from fruit such as apples or grapes.

In humans, stem cells are responsible for many normal functions in the body, such as the responsibility for producing elasticity and collagen in the skin. When we’re young, the body has an abundance of healthy stem cells, but as we age, this number decreases dramatically. This is due not just to the process of aging, but lack of physical activity, a poor diet and damage from free radicals as an example. This growing lack of stem cells and growth factors is believed to cause skin wrinkling and thinning over time.

Stem cell growth factors differ slightly in that their primary responsibility includes assigning stem cells a specific role in the body. For example, the family of fibroblast growth factors, or FGF, can heal wounds and rebuild the walls of blood vessels.

Introducing healthy, active stem cells and growth factors from healthy donors that can heal, repair, and stimulate the regeneration process at the cellular level is the basis behind stem cell technology for preventive aging in the skin care industry.

MD Ultimate Stem Cell Factor
MD Ultimate Stem Cell Factor
MD Ultimate Stem Cell Factor contains a wide variety of growth factors and compounds developed exclusively for MD Lash Factor to improve elasticity and firmness, hydrate, protect and smooth skin. MD Ultimate Stem Cell Factor includes active growth factors and cytokines including:

  • TGF-B (Transforming Growth Factor Beta
  • PDGF (Platelet-derived Growth Factor)
  • GM-CSF (Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor)
  • Interleukins
  • Matrix protein
  • Active Serum Conditioned Media
  • Superpeptides – micro protein peptides (similar action to DHEA)
  • Energizing minerals
  • B Vitamins
  • Amino Acid Complex (including Sodium PCA)

80% of users notice a change in their skin tone, texture and smoothness in as little as 4 weeks. MD Ultimate Stem Cell Factor’s non-irritating, quick absorbing formula using this exclusive advanced stem cell technology will provide the anti-aging results you’re looking for in a reasonable amount of time.

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