Friday, June 1, 2012

How stylists can help their clients with hair loss

As a stylist, your female client and their hair is your canvas. But what do you do - or worse, say - when your client’s hair is thinning or looks less full than before? 

There are many reasons why women suffer from hair loss. Hair loss, or alopecia, comes in many forms and affects both men and women worldwide. 
Hormone fluctuations (such as from menopause), genetics and stress are a few of the most common causes of hair loss. 

The most tell-sale sign is noticeably less hair, thinner overall density, and seeing more of the scalp on the crown. Female pattern baldness often starts at the crown.

While you can’t replace these professionals or their focused expertise, what can you do to help? How do your approach a client who is losing her hair but not asking for solutions yet?

The moment you notice your client’s thinning hair, take the initiative. Ask questions, such as whether they’re noticing more hair on their brush, in the sink, on the pillowcase, or on the floor while grooming. Seeing more hair in these areas is often the first sign of hair loss.

Acknowledge that there is an issue and start educating your client on the causes and symptoms of hair loss. Assure them that they are not alone and that is a widespread issue. Share statistics to keep them at ease. Tell your client how hair loss can happen, such as hormonal, genetic, or health issues. By letting them know the possible causes, it empowers them to actively look for a way to stop it at the source. 

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